Asia Pacific


The FireBible is now available in 66 languages with numerous other languages in process. See where in the process each language is or whether a reprint is needed. Click on the language to see more facts and details about each project as well.

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*Needs Reprint

Akha FireBible Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China


10% - Stage 1


There are about 60,000 Akha people in Northern Thailand. Thailand is the world’s most heavily Buddhist country. Around 94% of Thailand’s population is Buddhist and the remainder are mostly Muslim. Christians make up about 0.9% of the population but Christianity is slowly gaining popularity. 

Bahasa FireBible Indonesia


100% - Stage 6


Indonesia is the world’s largest country comprised solely of islands. There are 13,466 total islands in the archipelago, 922 of which are permanently inhabited. Bahasa Indonesian is the official language, a modified form of Molay. The country is predominantly Muslim and makes up about 87% of the nation.

Burmese FireBible Myanmar


100% - Stage 6


Many believe that the Chin and Burmese languages are the same, however, though many Chin people speak Standard Burmese, the two are different. S’Gaw Karen, spoken by an estimated 1.2 million people in both Myanmar and Thailand, is one of 21 varieties in the Karenic language family. The Lisu people are largely located in the Northern part of Myanmar. 

Cebuano FireBible Philippines


0% - Stage 0


Cebu is one of the country’s oldest settlements and retains much influence from its long Spanish heritage. Throughout the Philippines, around 10% of its people are Cebuano-speaking, with most speaking Filipino and English (the official language). The primary religion is Christianity with a mixture of Roman Catholic, Evangelical, and Iglesia ni Cristo, and others practice Islam. 

Chin FireBible Myanmar, India, Thailand


100% - Stage 6


The Chin reside in the remote mountainside town in the Northen part of the state. There are around 257,000 people Tiddim Chin living here. The primary religion practiced by the Tiddim Chin is Evangelical Protestantism. 

Fijian FireBible Madagascar


40% - Stage 3


Fiji is an island group in the South Pacific Ocean, about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand. Roughly half of the 943,737 population lives in urban areas of the island. The majority of the islanders are Protestant, while others are Hindu or Muslim. 

Hmong FireBible Laos, China, Northern Vietnam


100% - Stage 6


Hmong is a language spoken by more than 2.7 million people worldwide. Despite its prevalence in Southern China and Southeast Asia, Hmong holds no official status as a language. The Hmong FireBible was recently completed and launched as of October 2022.

Llocano FireBible Philippines


100% - Stage 6


Luzon is the largest island of the Philippines. Ilocano, though widely used in the Philippines and parts of the United States, is not recognized as an official language. “Many people are teaching false doctrines in this northern Luzon region…the Ilocano FireBible will help our pastors and lay leaders to understand and teach the truth of God’s Word to combat these false teachings”–Pastor Domminador Lopez, Baguio Assembly City Church–Luzon, Philippines 

Japanese FireBible Japan


100% - Stage 6


Japanese is spoken by 130 million people, making it one of the most fast-paced languages in the world. It is the national language for Japan. There are around 124 million people living in Japan, and most people practice Shintoism and Buddhism. Christianity is only practiced by 1.5% of the population. 

Khmer FireBible Cambodia


100% - Stage 6


Most Cambodians consider themselves Khmers, descendants of the Angkor Empire. 16 million people speak the Khmer language, as it is the official language of Cambodia. Buddhism is the official religion in Cambodia with around 97% professing Buddhists. The remainder of people mostly practice Islam. 

Korean FireBible Korea


100% - Stage 6


There are around 51 million people living in South Korea, with Korean and English being the most well-spoken languages. Only 19% of the population are practicing protestants, while the remainder is Buddhist, Catholic, or non-practicing. With the growth of the Protestant church, the FireBible helps Pentecostal believers understand the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 

Lao FireBible Laos


100% - Stage 6


There are around 7 million people (about twice the population of Oklahoma) living in Laos. It is a predominantly Buddhist nation. The Lao language, spoken by 3 million people (about the population of Arkansas) worldwide, is the official language of Laos. Because of their proximity, the languages of Thai and Lao share several words, and most of their basic vocabulary is the same. 

Lisu FireBible Myanmar


100% - Stage 6


The Lisu people inhabit mountainous regions of Myanmar, southwest China and Thailand. They are an official minority of China. 

Mongolian FireBible Myanmar


100% - Stage 6


The Mongolian language consists of several closely related languages and dialects. The official language of Mongolia, however, is Khalkha Mongolian.

Samoan FireBible Samoa


10% - Stage 1


The people of Samoa, a Polynesian island nation in the South Pacific, are known for their rich cultural heritage and strong sense of community. Traditional values and customs play a significant role in Samoan society, with a deep respect for elders and a strong emphasis on family ties. 

S'Gaw Karen FireBible Thailand, Myanmar


100% - Stage 6


The Karen occupy areas in southeastern Myanmar on both sides of the lower Salween River. They are the second largest minority in Myanmar and considered a state-less people. 

Tagalog FireBible Philippines


0% - Stage 0


Though many consider this language synonymous with its standardized form, Filipino, Tagalog is one of the official languages of the Philippines. There are 28 million people who speak Tagalog as a first language, and 45 million more who speak it as a second or even third language.

Thai FireBible Thailand


100% - Stage 6


As the official language of Thailand, Thai is spoken by 20 million people (about 30% of the population) as a first language. Thailand is home to around 69 million people, with 97% of the population being of Thai ethnicity. About 93% of the country is Buddhist, as it is the official religion. The FireBible is available in S’Gaw Karen & Hmong, other languages common to Thailand natives. The S’Gaw Karen people are located in Thailand and Myanmar, though quite scattered throughout Myanmar.

Tok Pisin FireBible Papua New Guinea


10% - Stage 1


Papua New Guinea, located in the southwestern Pacific, is characterized by its diverse cultures and languages, with over 800 indigenous languages spoken. The country’s stunning landscapes, including tropical rainforests, mountain ranges, and coral reefs, contribute to its extraordinary biodiversity and make it a unique and captivating destination.

Vietnamese FireBible Vietnam


0% - Stage 0


Spoken by 93 million people as a first language, and another 2 million as a second language, Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam. Due to proximity, the spoken language contains influences from the French, Chinese, and Cham languages.

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