The FireBible is now available in 66 languages with numerous other languages in process. See where in the process each language is or whether a reprint is needed. Click on the language to see more facts and details about each project as well.
There are around 3 million people living in Albania and about 98% are Albanian-speaking with most others speaking Greek. Albanian uses an extended Latin alphabet that contains 36 letters to represent specific Albanian sounds. There is no official religion in Albania, but the most common is Islam, with the second-most-common being Christianity.
There are around 6 million inhabitants in Bulgaria, and the population is well distributed throughout most of the country. The primary language is Bulgarian, and it became one of the official languages of the European Union in 2007. About 60% of the population are Eastern Orthodox, 7% are Muslim and the remainder are unspecified.
There are around 4 million people living in Croatia and around 95% of the population mainly speaks Croatian. Pastor Ivan Glavacko of Glad Tidings Evangelical Church in Zagreb, Croatia shared, “Very few biblical study tools are available in our language, especially those that give a clear message and explanation of the work of the Holy Spirit. Our Croatian ministers, especially the younger generation, are excited about the FireBible with its commentary and study helps.”
Czech Czechia is also known as The Czech Republic. It is in Central Europe, bordering Germany and Poland. There are about 10 million people living in Czechia. Most people speak Czech, while others speak Slovak. 7% of the population belong to the Roman Catholic church while around 77% are unaffiliated with a church.
The most well-practiced religion in France is Roman Catholic followed by Atheism. Today, France is one of the most modern countries in the world and a leader among European nations. The population is about 68 million, and 100% of the population speaks French as it is the official language. The French FireBible is also available in the kid’s edition.
German, the second most spoken language in Europe, is the official language of Germany. More than 90 million people speak German as a first language and another 10-25 million as a second. Germany is Europe’s second most populous country, with around 84 million people. Most people are Roman Catholic and others are Protestant, Muslim, or non-religious.
Greece has over 2,000 islands, of which about 170 are inhabited. As the most well-documented of any Indo-European language, Greek is the official language of Greece. It’s one of the oldest attested Indo-European languages, dating to about the 15th century BCE. Due to its long history, Greek has influenced other languages over time; around 12% of the English vocabulary is from the Greek language.
German, the second most spoken language in Europe, is the official language of Germany. More than 90 million people speak German as a first language and another 10-25 million as a second. Germany is Europe’s second most populous country, with around 84 million people. Most people are Roman Catholic and others are Protestant, Muslim, or non-religious.
In Italy, where Italian is the official language, nearly 56 million people speak the language. It is also the language of the Vatican City. Visitors remark on how different each town is from the next, based on their marked differences in dialect and cuisine. There are about 61 million people living in Italy, most of which are Christian.
A difficult language to master, Polish is spoken by 45 million people worldwide. Many of its speakers, 38 million, reside in Poland, where it is the official language.
There are approximately 10 million people living in Portugal. 95% of the population are Portuguese, citizens from Portugal’s former colonies in Africa, Asia, and South America. Most of the country is Roman Catholic or Christian, and the remainder is Jewish, Muslim, or non-religious. The Portuguese Bible is also available in the student and kids’ editions.
The official language of Romania, 24-26 million people speak Romanian as their first language. Romanian is also the official language of the Republic of Moldova and an official minority language in Ukraine and Hungary. Like Spanish, Portuguese, French and, Italian, Romanian is a romance language and is most closely related to Italian. This Bible is available in the kid’s version.
Serbia is in Southeastern Europe and nestled between Macedonia and Hungary. Comparatively, it is just smaller than South Carolina and is home to around 6 million people. Around 92% of the population are declared Christians. Serbian is the official language; however, many people speak Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian and Albanian. The FireBible is also available in each of these languages.
This formerly communist country has had a history of faith, but much of their past is riddled with war in which religion was used on one side. These battles have left people disillusioned with Christianity. The growth of the evangelical church in Slovenia is at about negative .2 percent, making it the fifth slowest growing church in the world. Conversely, nominalism and atheism continue to increase.
There are about 10 million people living in Sweden, with 89% of the population being Swedish. The remainder are mostly Syrian, Iraqi and Finnish. Most of its inhabitants belong to the Church of Sweden, of the Lutheran denomination. Others identify as Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist.
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