FireBible Projects

The FireBible is now available in 66 languages with numerous other languages in process. See where in the process each language is or whether a reprint is needed. Click on the regions to see more facts and details about each project.

Our Process

To show our gratitude for your donation, we want you to feel informed. From start to finish, the FireBible takes an average of 30+ months to complete. However, because each language is unique, we cannot give an exact timeline. Below, we have provided insight into each step in the FireBible production process. When people receive access to God’s Word in their heart language, lives are changed. We are thankful for you and your donation – it makes it possible for us to keep providing Bibles around the world.

Printing FireBibles

Securing Licenses

Securing Licenses We work with the Bible society in each country to secure the rights to use their scripture text in our FireBibles.


A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

Team Building

In this phase, we connect with the national church, pastors, Bible society members, translators, and editors to build a team. The team is specifically suited for each project.


This phase includes many stages like selecting a printer, getting pricing, printing and binding and finally shipping. Quality is always our top priority.


We always celebrate the completion of a FireBible with a launch in the country. Usually, local pastors, missionaries and members of the Bible society are invited to celebrate with us!

Reprint Needed

The national church requests a reprint when the Bible stock gets low or when they are completely sold out. We start fundraising and this process moves quicker as opposed to a new language project.

New Edition

Sometimes, the national church requests a brand new FireBible. This means they have chosen a new Scripture text to be translated. In this case, we begin securing licenses again. 

FireBible Regions

The FireBible is now available in 66 languages with numerous other languages in process. See where in the process each language is or whether a reprint is needed. Click on the regions to see more facts and details about each project.

Asia Pacific


Latin America

North America

“Having access to the Word of God but having no comprehension of truth in your own language does not equal understanding. That’s where FireBible comes in. We have developed over 65 FireBible language translations. The FireBible is a megaphone to shout the understood Word of the Savior in the heart language of the person reading it.”

Jeff Dove, FireBible Director


View Books by Language.